

Diflubenzuron Model : 480g/L SC, 75%WP

  • Description

Diflubenzuron (CAS No.35367-38-5) is a non-systemic insect growth regulator with contact and stomach action. Acts at time of insect moulting, or at hatching of eggs.


Diflubenzuron Useage 
Diflubenzuron is used for controlling of a wide range of leaf-eating insects in forestry, woody ornamentals and fruit. Controls certain major pests in cotton, soya beans, citrus, tea, vegetables and mushrooms. Also controls larvae of flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers and migratory locusts. Used as an ectoparasiticide on sheep for control of lice, fleas and blowfly larvae.
Due to its selectivity and rapid degradation in soil and water, diflubenzuron has no or only a slight effect on the natural enemies of various harmful insect species. These properties make it suitable for inclusion in integrated control programmes.
Diflubenzuron is effective at 25-75 g/ha against most leaf-feeding insects in forestry; in concentrations of 0.01-0.015% a.i. against codling moth, leaf miners and other leaf-eating insects in top fruit; in concentrations of 0.0075-0.0125% a.i. against citrus rust mite in citrus; and at a dosage of 50-150 g/ha against a number of pests in cotton(cotton boll weevil, armyworms, leafworms), soya beans(soya bean looper complex) and maize(armyworms). Also for control of larvae of mushroom flies in mushroom casing(1 g/m2); mosquito larvae (25-100 g/ha); fly larvae in animal housings(0.5-1 g/m2 surface); and locusts and grasshoppers (60-67.5 g/ha).


Available formulation
Diflubenzuron 480g/L SC
Diflubenzuron 75%WP


Diflubenzuron Packaging details 
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations


Diflubenzuron applicable crops
forestry, Ornamentals, fruits, cotton, soyabeans, citrus, tea, vegetables, mushrooms, animals, citrus, cotton, soyabeans, maize.