

Diniconazole Model : 40g/L FS, 50g/L EC

  • Description

Diniconazole (CAS No.83657-24-3) is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.


Diniconazole Useage 
Cyproconazole is used forcontrol of leaf and ear diseases (e.g. powdery mildew, Septoria, Fusarium, smuts, bunt, rusts, scab, etc.) in cereals; powdery mildew in vines; powdery mildew, rust, and black spot in roses; leaf spot in peanuts; Sigatoka disease in bananas; and Uredinales in coffee. Also used on fruit, vegetables, and other ornamentals.


Diniconazole Available formulation
Diniconazole 40g/L FS
Diniconazole 50g/L EC


Diniconazole Packaging details 
Customized 10ML-200L for liquid formulations.


Diniconazole applicable crops
cereals, vine, rose, peanuts, bananas, coffee, turf, fruit, vegetabels, ornamentals, pears, wheat, rice, sunflower, maize.