

Fluazinam Model : 400g/L SC

  • Description
Fluazinam (CAS: 79622-59-6) is a protective broad spectrum fungicide used to control various soil-borne fungal pathogens on a range of crops. It also has some acaricidal activity.
Fluazinam Mode of action
Fungicide with protective action. Has little curative or systemic activity, but good residual effect and rain-fastness.
Fluazinam Uses
Control of grey mould and downy mildew on vines; apple scab; southern blight and white mould on peanuts; Phytophthora infestans and tuber blight on potatoes, at 150–750 g/ha. Applied to the soil, controls clubroot on crucifers, white and violet root rot (Rosellinia necatrix and Helicobasidium mompa) on fruit trees, scab and powdery scab on potatoes, at 2–2.5 kg/ha. Also for control of mites in apples. 

Fluazinam Applicable crops
Peanuts; Potatoes; Grape vines; Fruit including citrus and apples; Crucifers
Fluazinam Available formulation
400g/L SC


Packaging details
Customized 10ML-200L for liquid formulations, 1G-25KG for solid formulations.