

Tolclofos-methyl Model : 200g/L EC

  • Description

Tolclofos-methyl (CAS: 57018-04-9) is a fungicide seed treatment for soil-borne and seed-borne diseases.


Tolclofos-methyl Mode of action
Non-systemic contact fungicide with protective and curative action.


Tolclofos-methyl Uses
Control of soil-borne diseases caused by Rhizoctonia, Corticium, Sclerotium and Typhula spp. on potatoes, sugar beet, cotton, peanuts, vegetables, cereals, ornamentals, bulb flowers, lawn turf, etc. Used as a seed, bulb or tuber treatment, soil drench, foliar spray, or by soil incorporation; applied at 100–300 g/1000 kg potato seed; 500 g/ha as a foliar treatment.


Tolclofos-methyl Applicable crops
Potatoes; Lettuce; Soybean; Field corn; Sweetcorn; Popcorn; Cotton; Sorghum; Sugarbeet; Ornamentals


Tolclofos-methyl Available formulation
200g/L EC


Packaging details
Customized 10ML-200L for liquid formulations, 1G-25KG for solid formulations.