

Triadimefon Model : 250g/L EC, 25%WP

  • Description

Triadimefon (CAS No.43121-43-3) is a systemic fungicide with protective, curative and eradicant action. Absorbed by the roots and leaves, with ready translocation in young growing tissues, but less ready translocation in older, woody tissues.


Triadimefon Useage 
Triadimefon is used for controlling of powdery mildews in cereals, pome fruit, stone fruit, berry fruit, vines, hops, cucurbits, tomatoes, vegetables, sugar beet, mangoes, ornamentals, turf, flowers, shrubs and trees; rusts in cereals, pines, coffee, seed grasses, turf, flowers, shrubs and trees; Monilinia spp. in stone fruit; black rot of grapes;leaf blotch, leaf spot, and snow mould in cereals; pineapple disease butt rot in pineapples and sugar cane; leaf spots and flower blights in flowers, shrubs and trees; and many other diseases of turf. Application rates are in the range 0.0025-0.0125% for vegetables, pome fruit, mangoes, and grapes; in the range 125-500 g/ha for cotton, cereals, hops, coffee, and sugar beet.


Triadimefon Phytotoxicity
Ornamentals may be damaged if triadimefon is used at excessive rates.


Triadimefon Available formulation
Triadimefon 250g/L EC
Triadimefon 25%WP

Triadimefon Packaging details 
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.


Triadimefon applicable crops

cereals, pome fruit, stone fruit, berry fruit, vines, hops, cucurbits, tomatoes, vegetables, sugarbeets, mangoes, Ornamentals, turf, flowers, shrubs, pines, coffee, grasses, turf, grapes, pineapples, sugarcane, cotton.