

Triclopyr Model : 480g/L EC

  • Description
Triclopyr (CAS: 55335-06-3) is a herbicide for perennial broad-leaved and woody weed control mainly on uncultivated areas.
Triclopyr Mode of action
Selective systemic herbicide, rapidly absorbed by the foliage and roots, with translocation throughout the plant, accumulating in meristematic tissue. Induces auxin-type responses in susceptible species


Triclopyr Uses
Selective systemic herbicide, rapidly absorbed by the foliage and roots, with translocation throughout the plant, accumulating in meristematic tissue. Induces auxin-type responses in susceptible species (mainly broad-leaved weeds, grass weeds being unaffected at normal application rates). Uses Control of woody plants and many broad-leaved weeds (e.g. nettles, docks, Brambles, gorse, broom) in grassland, uncultivated land, industrial areas, coniferous forests, plantation crops, and rice fields. In plantation crops (oil palm, rubber), at 125–250 g a.e./ha, for covercrop maintenance, and, at 0.72–1.0 kg a.e./ha, to control Eupatorium odoratum and other problem plants; in pastures, at 1–2 kg/ha, to control annual and perennial herbaceous weeds, and, at 2–4 kg/ha, against Rubus spp. and other woody plants; in forestry, at 4–8 kg/ha, for site preparation, and, at 1.5–2.0 kg/ha, for conifer release; for industrial sites, at 2–8 kg/ha; and in rangeland, at 0.24–1.0 kg/ha.


Triclopyr Applicable crops
Uncultivated areas; Grassland; Plantations; Rangeland; Right-of-way; Industrial sites; Ornamental turf; Rice


Triclopyr Available formulation
480g/L EC
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.